Senin, 24 Januari 2011

Say5: Bali Tourism

Nama Anda*:Mr. Green
Email Anda*
Nomor Handphone:081227113862
Judul Iklan*:Bali Tourism
Isi Iklan*:Bali Tourism Board, The Paradigm Shifter of Bali Tourism Development. Information abuot the Balinese culture & arts. Tour and activities, weather, accommodtion, water sports, surfing, where to eat and where to stay
Unggah Gambar:Bedugul.jpg

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Say5: Handphone Murah

Nama Anda*:Mr. boed
Email Anda*
Nomor Handphone:085643225392
Judul Iklan*:Handphone Murah
Isi Iklan*:Tersedia Hanphone Murah Meriah, Blackberry, Nokia, sony ericsson berbagai type dan handphone replika apple iphone best copy yang sangat terjangkau harganya...

minat serius hub. call servise
Unggah Gambar:I phone 4 G (1).jpg

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